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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to Time Contractions on Computer or iPhone

I'm 38 weeks pregnant today, so I'll be having a baby any time now, and been debating on buying a stop watch since the one I had that could do that is dead, but do I really want to buy something I've not used in years for something I may not even need? (I had to be induced last time).

But, then I stumbled upon this: The Contraction Master. Just hit the S button on your computer or electronic device when they begin and end and it keeps track of it for you.

Sounds good to me, the laptop is almost always on!


Unknown said...

:) I used my blackberry with my last successful pregnancy.

Annchan said...

I just used a clock in my house with a seconds hand and when my husband got home from work we used the stop watch on his cell phone.

Anonymous said...

I used one of those computer contraction counters with my older daughter! I thought it was helpful. Congratulations to you! You're so close :).

Darlene said...

Congratulations on the impending birth.

Thank you for posting this. My oldest daughter is due the end of April, so I emailed the link to her.

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I'm not due until February but I always have lots of contractions for weeks and weeks. I'll get a lot of use out of this!