Thursday, October 7, 2010

Patching Holy Holey Jeans

I've been very busy. Doing a lot of things I've already posted on this blog, getting ready for baby (such as making wool diaper covers and longies) And I need more maternity pants. So, I got these off the free pile but there was a very weak spot in the knee and once I finished turning them into maternity, they ripped the moment I tried them on. Well, I had no denim that even looked nice on this blue wash for these particular jeans for what I thought would be some kind of flower patch, so all I had was the waistband I had just cut off. And long rectangular strips just cry out to be a cross. So now I have Holy holey jeans. :)

That's about as original as I have gotten lately, but there you are.


  1. Great idea MJ! Cute too! Using appliques certainly works. :o)

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  2. Hello Beautiful Blogger Award Winner!

    Just wanted to let you know that I've chosen you to receive The Beautiful Blogger Award. This award was given to me by Preeti Bhatt of Heart and Mind about a week or so ago. It's an award that is passed from one beautiful blogger to the next, in order to share our beauty. We find inspiration, fresh ideas, and new friends when we share with one another.

    There's a little write-up about each of you that I have selected on my post. Here is the link:

    Here something about the award details and guidelines (as it was given to me) that I am sharing with you all. It isn't clear where the award originated, but some guidelines travel with the award ...

    In a blog post, thank the blogger that gave you the award.

    In your post, tell your readers 7 things about yourself that they don't already know.

    You now have the opportunity to pick beautiful bloggers to pass the award to. You can choose only one or two if you wish, but up to 5. Share their link with your readers.

    It's a very busy time, and if you aren't able to work in the post right away, perhaps you'll get to it soon. It's a wonderful way to share the people who most inspire you with the rest of us.

    I truly enjoy your beautiful work!

    I had a great time writing my post, and hope you will, too! Love your work and keep up the great work!

    Betsy Bargain
