Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bottle Top Bag "Clip"

Someone sent this to me through an email forward, so I have no idea who this idea belongs to, but thought I'd put it up here, since I've never seen it before, maybe you haven't either.

Cut up a disposable water bottle and keep the neck and top, as in photo.

Insert the plastic bag through the neck and screw the top to seal.


  1. oh WOW!!! I love this idea! I have 4 water bottles right now I can use for this. Thank you!

  2. oh WOW!!! I love this idea! I have 4 water bottles right now I can use for this. Thank you!

  3. This is pretty cool! I'm glad to see a new post from you. Hope you (and baby) are doing fine! I'm so excited for you!

  4. Amber, Thanks for the concern. I'm sleeping a lot with this one and very tired and heavy at the moment. I've been working hard at writing at the moment and this has taken backseat, I'm sure it will only get worse in a couple months. I've had several posts I've needed to put up here, but just haven't got the time. Story of my life at the moment. :)

    Plus, I'm busy doing all the Making Do Projects that are already up here! I made 6 diaper covers last night and need to make more, some longies and more maternity jeans this week.

  5. You are one busy lady! :) Hope everything is going well on the writing front!

  6. Hi!

    thanks for sharing the idea. this is so cool ^^

  7. I got this email too - cool, isn't it?
