Friday, May 7, 2010

Runny Mashed Potatoes Fix

If I accidentally put too much milk in my mashed potatoes and it's more like soup than fluffy potatoes, I don't panic anymore. I have an emergency stash of cheap instant mashed potatoes and I just take small scoops out of there and throw them in until the consistency returns to fluffy clouds.

Maybe I should add milk only a little at a time instead of relying on my recipe measurements since potatoes don't have a definite measurement, but I like the simplicity of throwing in the 1/8 cup of instant potatoes that fix it right up.


  1. I've had to do that on a few occasions. I've recently started making homemade mashed potatoes instead of instant all the time. I usually have hubby come in and mash them. He does a wonderful job *grin*.

  2. Instant mashed potatoes are great as a "thickener" for vegetable soup.
