Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wowser Wednesday - Hard Suitcase Play Cases

What a fun recycle project for those hard suitcases you see at the thrift store! Make a play case. At Second Street, Kalleen give you a tutorial on making this dinosaur land.

And her dad made a Cowboy/Indian one and a zoo one on when she was little.

The possibilities! I could see making a car case with ramps and bridges. A small doll case with rooms and outdoor playground. A battlefield with trenches and landmines for soldiers. An aircraft runway on one side and an aircraft carrier in the ocean on the other, etc. Can you come up with any more creative play cases? Share your theme idea in the comments.

Oooh. Great project for an older kid to design/make for a younger kid for a birthday or Christmas gift.

Her blog is definitely a fun one to look through for creative projects.
Like a leather bag turned into jewelry


  1. I love this idea. Our local thrift store is full of these cases. My daughter's friends are crazy for Littlest Petshop Stuff and this would be perfect. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  2. How cool!!! I see suitcases go for a few bucks every week at an auction I attend! I may have to snatch up a few! My boys would love this!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Have a fab Wednesday!!!

  3. Melissa, this is a great idea! And when the kids are done, they can put it all up neatly without danger of losing all their pieces!

    I know what my boys would have made in a flat second..a World War II battleground with the English and Americans on one side and the Germans on the other. The army guys and tanks could be stored right in the middle. Great idea!
