Thursday, July 30, 2009

Print Out Free Calendars

For record keeping calendars, I print out a calendar from Calendars That Work. You can't download years upon years ahead of time without paying, (It's easy enough to buy a pocket calendar or wall calendar for that.) but you can have them send you the next calendar to your email ahead of time, just click on the calendar type you want and at the bottom is a field for having them send it to you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. My mom and I have an ongoing project. Around Christmas each year, we print out blank calendar pages for each month of the upcoming year. Each month, we use rubber stamps, old greeting cards, magazine pages, scrapbooking embellishments, etc. to create a unique page that the other person will display for the month. At the end of the month, the page is saved in a binder. It's so much fun coming up with unique ideas for each page, and looking back through the old ones...
