Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pizza Box Art Storage

Wonder how to store all the lovely art work you get from your kids? Maybe a take out Pizza box would work well for you? Nice big space for pictures, paintings, collages; sturdy packaging to keep it from getting crushed and thin enough to fit in odd spaces, like under a bed. Just make sure to choose ones that didn't get pizza grease on it.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic idea :) I've also read somewhere to digitally photograph all your child's artwork so you have a backup on a flashdrive which can be kept in a fireproof safe.
    I love the name of your site, by the way :) I'll definitely be checking out more of it!
    And those crinkle toys couldn't be easier. I seriously can whip one out in about fifteen minutes. That's my kind of project!
