Obviously I am not a doctor, so if you take my advice and bad things happen, I am not responsible.
I am very susceptible to UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). Friday night at 3am when I realized I had a fairly serious one (blood in urine), I ran to the 24 hour grocery store. I used to go to the doctor for antibiotics, but I started getting really testy when they would question me when I told them that I had a UTI (I have these fairly often, I know what I got) or when they instruct me how to wipe as if I am a toddler not knowing how to use toilet paper.
So, this is what I do. If I could stand cranberry juice I would use it, but the highest acidic stuff that I can stand is Orange Juice. So, I grab a frozen concentrate orange juice and mix it up. I sit and drink an entire pitcher of orange juice in one sitting and continue drinking more throughout the day until all symptoms go away. The acid kills off the bacteria and the amount flushes you out. I have done this three times now and it has each time fixed the problem within a handful of hours. Much cheaper than a doctor visit and antibiotics. If it wasn't better in a day, I would head to the Doctor, but so far it has been a fabulous cure. Hope that helps someone, I try to usually have an extra in the freezer as backup, but the family being sick for that past few weeks took away my reserve.
I was wondering aloud with hubby what women in the old days must have used for UTIs; no pioneer lady was heading to the ER for antibiotics in the middle of the night and I am sure she had no orange juice in the ice house. So, we figured rose hip tea may have been what they did since it is highly acidic and shelf stable. And so I looked it up, and indeed that seems to be the "Old Timers" cure. Here is a site of Grandma's wisdom that I found on Rose Hip Teas for Medicinal Purposes. It has all kinds of other great stuff too that I think would be good for checking out.
UPDATE: I have added drinking 1 tsp of baking soda in 1 cup of water to the regimen and it really seems to help.
UPDATE 2: Since this is a chronic problem, I have added a scoop of D-Mannose daily to my breakfast drink. Check out testimonials on the product if you have chronic UTI problems like me.
UPDATE 3: Yes, the D-Mannose seems to work well! I was on day 7 of 10 day antibiotics and still felt no relief, so I started a D-Manosse regimen and it was over by the end of the day. Anytime since then that I have felt it coming on, I took a dose of this and so far have not had a reoccurring one.
I use to get these all the time and have not had one in years. I started using Kyolic. It's aged liquid garlic. Garlic is a great natural antibiotic. I also use it for my family when we are sick with anything.
ReplyDeletePS. One way you can get UTIs is if your hubby lets his thingy touch the toilet seat when he sits down to do his business. I caught my hubby doing that early in our marriage, and said uh uh! No wonder I was getting infections. He's very careful now when he sits down, and also washes before party-time..if you know what I mean.
Sorry if this is too much information, but I thought it might help! Blessings!
Totally late to this, but one thing I find is that baking soda alone does great for Kidney and UTI related stuff (heck it even works on cancer, but it needs to be mixed with a surgery substance to actually get it to the cancer).
ReplyDeleteHowever, water + baking soda really doesn't taste good, and repeatedly butting that much alkaline in your stomach can make it hurl and have general problems digesting since stomach acid is, well, an acid (found out all this via experience this morning).
So it turns out that orange juice + baking soda solves both of these problems. 1, the acid in the orange juice cancels out the alkaline in the stomach and 2. it tastes a LOT better (the less water, the better tasting IMO).
I need to correct you on one thing though - orange juice works on UTI stuff because it's actually alkaline (the acid burns off in the stomach or something). Turns out that an alkaline environment actually helps things stay healthy in the urinary tract, which is why baking soda works wonders on it.
Lastly, orange juice has all the necessary electrolytes to stay hydrated (very important for a UTI) except sodium, and the baking soda easily solves that, especially if you get some fever and flu symptoms where you don't want to consume much of anything at all.
Oh, and as one of the few guys that gets UTIs (not often though, my last before the most recent was 15 years ago, but I'm sure women can agree anything above zero is too much), turns out that baking soda also works on the prostate, which even means prostate cancer. Let me tell you, the urine may "burn", but dear lord an infected prostate is a whole different kind of nightmare - it's like an itch in your buttcrack combined with constipation and a sensitive tickle on the head of the penis, and this all doesn't only happen when peeing but almost constantly depending on how bad the infection is. And even worse? Softly messaging just inside the rectum (yeah, I know, ew) just below the prostate can make it feel better, but as soon as you stop, it comes right back in full force.
You may not be able to wear underwear or even pants altogether, but you'll be too busy going insane from the "unscratchable itch" to care about much of anything else. Not only that, but the constipation feeling, as soon as you try the action to poop, you'll very likely just irritate the prostate again and, even if the "itch" goes away in a few minutes, you just know you'll be on the toilet again very soon. Even worse for a UTI, if it goes away for a while and you don't have the urge to use the bathroom, you can binge too much on water trying to compensate and then throw up nothing but liquid (did that too). That plus the general insanity from the prostate can then have the opposite effect where you don't want to drink much of anything which is obviously no good and can make a UTI progress into a kidney infection, giving a constantly sore lower-side back, which then makes it difficult to just sleep (also happened with me - I love my sleep, and my aunt gets kidney stones, so I went into "murder all the things" modes and was bringing out the big-guns and discovered baking soda; later after throwing up and getting flu-like sympthoms from a relatively too-alkaline stomach, I used orange juice + baking soda instead and it's working perfectly).
If you aren't already aware, baking soda can very much aleiviate aches and pains in kidneys and the urinary track, so that is extremely useful, but because it can mask the symptoms, you must also take care to not stop before you can be sure that the infection is gone.
Oranges really do work. I found out this cure on accident when I had a UTI years ago. I literally ate two oranges and my symptoms died almost imediatly. I was shocked. So now whenever I get a UTI I eat a couple ripe oranges and I'm fine.
ReplyDeleteI use this technique and it works thanks so much I hate doctors