Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stalker Phone Change Options

If you are blessed with a stalker who doesn't take the hint that you don't want them to call or write, like my hubby is blessed, there are 2 options to keep him or her from calling. (You can just mark refused on the mail you get prior to opening and send it back).

You can either get caller ID and call block or you can get an unlisted number. Check the prices with your phone company. If you have an unlisted number, they should not be able to pay for your phone number on the internet, and if you have call block and id, you can program your phone to not take that person's call. My company charges $10 for the change to block/id and $8/month. For unlisted the change costs $10.25 and $.50/month. Not only is it cheaper for me to get the unlisted, but I don't have to worry about the stalker getting wise and changing her number as well. (Of course, if you want to have people be able to find you in the phone book, this would not be an option.)


  1. Or you could contact the local Police Department. A visit from them would probably stop the stalker in their tracks. It's not just annoying, it's illegal to stalk people.

    Present the collected documents and phone records and turn it in to the PD, file a complaint and let the PD take care of it. YOU should not have to accommodate a stalker! Besides, if it goes from phoning and writing to physical presence, you will have a record of who, what, when and where. While some people are just annoying, others can be down right dangerous!

  2. I would suggest people get a free Google voice account and only give that one number for all of your needs. With Google Voice you have control over your phones. Callers dial one number and you can have it ring several places like your work home and cell numbers at the same time. You can block numbers at will and you can listen to your callers leaving their messages on your voice mail so you can decide if you want to pick it up or not. Even on your cell. You can text from a computer and so much more. This way you are in control not your callers. This works great for everything from applying for credit, to looking for jobs, to subscriptions, career contacts, family and friends. It also saves you from having to update people when you change cell or work or home numbers. Just a thought. Doesn't help after the fact, but it does help if you are a bit proactive for the future. :)
