Friday, November 14, 2008

Cardboard Play House

Awhile back, I made my girl a cardboard play house out of the box my shower and shower wall came in. My mother made a smaller one for my nieces from a box for a refrigerator.

I bent the shower box to make a roof and masking taped it together. I cut out a door and a window. I painted it with leftover house paint and tempera brown and black paint. The handles of the tub box inspired me to create flower boxes which I taped onto the handle holes and filled with flowers.

For the inside, I made a "bed" by cutting out a head board from leftover cardboard and two cushions salvaged from an old couch. I made a couch out of more cardboard which I stapled blue fabric onto after finishing it. I also made a crib. I just took a cardboard box and cut slats around the edge. This particular piece of furniture gets a lot of use. She used to refuse to sleep in the big bed in the cardboard house because that was my bed and she knew she belonged in the crib. She did a lot of reading in it. Now she uses that crib as part of the nightnight routine for putting her puppy to sleep before she goes to sleep.
I hung up a picture and a battery powered push in light.
I added a rug for carpeting.


  1. That is so neat!! I know what I am going to making next week. Our landlord is redoing out bathroom and I am going to ask him for all of the boxes.

  2. that toy house is so cute.. u are creative, i just can't stop reading your blogs, over and over again..thanks for sharing!
