Friday, October 24, 2008

Wedding Dress Christening Dress

I was fairly certain my wedding dress would never be worn again. One, it was already a tad to short for me and I was marrying someone taller, so most likely the girl(s) we would have will not be shorter than I. Two, styles change so quickly, she will surely want something else especially since it was "out of fashion" when I wore it, but it fit my style. Three, I can't be sure I can keep it well enough or that it won't be burned in a fire, etc.

So, selling it wasn't an option since it was out of date, no resale shop would take it for more than $25 (even though I had just bought it at a resale shop for $200!) So, on one of those Hobby Lobby 75% off pattern days, I had stocked up on all the period costumes and baby costumes that I will probably never have the ability to sew, but bought anyway to drool over. In that pile, I had bought a little Christening gown pattern. We don't do infant baptism or Christening, but generally in the churches we attend they have a baby dedication service. So, I had my mother-in-law make the dress out of my wedding gown (Remember, I am not good enough at sewing to attempt it myself). The torso was the neckline of my dress and the dress length is my train. The bonnet is my sleeve.

Unfortunately, we were in the middle of looking for a church when the kiddo came of age to wear it and we didn't feel comfortable dedicating our baby in front of perfect strangers who could probably care less. But, I didn't want to pass up the use of the gown. So, I did a little photo session with my girl and recreated a picture of my great great grandmother as a baby. It now hangs in a bubble convex frame (found in Mom-in-law's closet) in my antique colored bathroom.


  1. Awwwww!!!! That's adorable- way to turn a future moth-meal into a precious memento for your daughter. I love it!

  2. That's beautiful Your pictures of your daughter are beautiful!
