Sunday, September 28, 2008

T-shirt Cloth Diaper Wipes

See my logic on why I use cloth diapers and why I make them this way here.

I initially started with the homemade diaper wipes by cutting a paper towel roll in half (Viva worked well) and soaking it in diaper wipe liquid.

Once I got over the silly yucky factor of reusing diaper wipes that the disposable culture we currently live in had ingrained upon me, I got wise and just made reusable diaper wipes. Much more convenient with cloth diapers since you don't have to make a separate pile of cloth diapers to wash and diaper wipes to throw away - they just all went in the same bucket.

When the baby had more messy diapers often, I placed a basket of diaper wipes (mainly scrap pieces of t-shirts left over from making diapers) and an empty store-bought diaper wipe container with diaper wipe liquid in it at the changing area. I would wet the wipe in the liquid upon use. Now that messy diapers are infrequent, the diaper wipe container just has plain water.

Diaper Wipe Liquid - 2 C of water, 1 T baby wash, 1 T baby lotion


  1. I had really thought of using this idea for toilet tissue. We ran out the other day and had to use wipes which will not flush very well. So, we had to bag them and throw them in the trash. Thus, creating more garbage for the landfills. It was horrible. I used and old wash cloth for the rest of te night for potty's remembering your idea here for the wipes.

  2. I had cloth diaper liners on hand that I never used. I started using them as wipes. They're a bit big. My twist on this is that I use a big ceramic mug to hold the water, and a candle warmer (which I also had no other use for) under the mug for a "wipe warmer."
